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The Three Vehicles of Buddhist Practice

The Three Vehicles of Buddhist Practice

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Author : Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Publish Date:NOV 2003
Paperback: 122 page
Size : 14.9 x 21.4 cm


When Buddhism came to Tibet the three levels or vehicles of instructions were preserved intact.

Accomplished masters transmitted how a practitioner could progress through these levels and achieve the final goal of enlightenment.

Training the mind begins with Shamatha and Vipashyana meditation. This strong foundation leads to a deeper understanding of the Four Noble Truths and the benefit of accumulating merit.

The second vehicle, the Mahayana, enhances the foundation practice expanding the experience of selflessness. By examining phenomena the difference between ultimate and conventional truth can be distinguished. Experiences of ultimate truth engender the behavior of bodhisattvas while experiences of great compassion lead to practicing the six perfections.

Having explained the essential practices, Thrangu Rinpoche then teaches the profound Vajrayana. This diamond vehicle includes the practices of the preliminaries as well as yidam deity practice. Beyond these formal practices that train the mind, the meditation of Mahamudra is explained. Rinpoche shows how Mahamudra, an especially appropriate practice for these busy mordern times, can be integrated into a practitioner's ordinary life.


Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche is a renowned Tibetan Buddhist master known for his deep compassion and the clarity of his teachings. He was selected by His Holiness the Dalai Lama to serve as the principal tutor to His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Oryen Trinley Dorje.

Thrangu Rinpoche is a full holder and teacher of the Kagyu Vajrayana lineages. He founded the Namo Buddha retreat center in Nepal, has established two shedras (monastic universities) in Nepal and India, and serves as Abbot of Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia. He also built Tara Abbey, where nuns receive a full dharma education qualifying them to become khenpos or teachers. Thrangu Rinpoche teaches entensively throughout Asia, Europe and the United States. He has centers in Maine and California, and is building the Vajra Vidya Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado.



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